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Why Acting?

I discovered my passion for arts as a child - watching movies and plays were a fascinating world to dive into. So I started copying scenes, dressing up and creating shows - sometimes multiple a day. Very much to my parent's pleasure as you can imagine. At the age of 9, my brother and I started a carnival float-building group, where I was able to develop a maker's mentality very early on - with no limits set to my creativity. Acting gives me a chance to keep this creativity and build a life on top of it. 

A Brief journey through my life

My passion for acting was there since I was a little boy, but I didn't start considering it as a profession until I was 25. At 18, I did my military service in the Swiss Army. After that, I travelled around North America for three months. I studied Business Engineering while working in a metal workshop. After graduation, I restored the Schlössli Utenberg in Lucerne with my family and opened a restaurant and event location. To put my studies into practice, I took a job at a pharmaceutical engineering company as a project management assistant and scheduler. During this time I co-produced a feature film called Inkognito and I couldn't resist applying for acting schools and got into East 15 Acting School in Loughton, Essex where I graduated from the MFA International Postgraduate Program. 


  • Physical Theatre (Marcin Rudy)

  • Laban (Ioli Fillipokoulou)

  • Somatic Movement (Christina Kapadocha)

  • Voice (Christina Gutekunst, Colin Sadler)

  • Singing (Jennifer Hazel)

  • Articulation (Colin Sadler)

  • Acting (Robin Sneller, Sonia Ritter, Anita-Joy Uwajeh, Zois Pigadas, Tracy Collier, Kristine Landon-Smith, Matthew Lloyd)

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